I Lived to Tell the World – Multimedia Exhibition

When: January 27-March 1, 2025
Where: Toomey Lobby
The Immigrant Story and the Patricia Valian Reser Center for the Creative Arts (PRAx) invite you to visit I Lived to Tell the World, a new multimedia exhibit opening on January 27, 2025, in the Toomey Lobby. The exhibit, inspired by journalist Elizabeth Mehren’s book of the same name, celebrates the stories of people who have survived perilous journeys and unthinkable cruelty in their home countries only to build productive new lives in Oregon.
These survivors are united by a troubling truth: Human despotism, barbarism, and cruelty sometimes know no bounds. And yet, as this exhibition aims to make clear, humanity is also made up of the courageous and the resilient. The Immigrant Story presents this exhibit in the hope that the images and their corresponding stories will inspire, inform, and possibly, enlighten.
The Immigrant Story is proud to join with lauded Portland photographer Jim Lommasson to display his work featuring objects that survivors were able to carry with them throughout their desperate journeys. Participants also shared handwritten testimonies — stories, memories, poems, drawings — about these objects. These personal reflections speak to the luminous inner life of these ordinary objects and to the anguish of remembering lives forever left behind. Ordinary objects thus become sacred.
Three short documentary films by well-known video producers from the Pacific Northwest, in collaboration with the nonprofit NW Documentary, will also be on display, running as a loop with wall-mounted headsets available. These visceral personal stories emphasize the individual humanity of genocide survivors, forcing viewers to look beyond cold facts and statistics and confront the immense emotional, spiritual, and physical violence to which these survivors were subjected.
This exhibition was made possible by a generous contribution from The Ronald W. Naito MD Foundation. Additional funding was provided by a grant from the Oregon Heritage Grant.
Join Us for Additional Related Events:
- January 27: I Lived to Tell the World – Using Personal Narratives to Tell History | 5:30 p.m. | Toomey Lobby
- February 1: I Lived to Tell the World – Live | PRAxPRELUDE 6 p.m. | Performance 7 p.m.