Spring Creek Project

Spring Creek Project invites people and communities to explore ways of living more just and joyful lives with one another and the planet. Some of our communities gather in person through public events, readings and residencies. Other communities come together in virtual spaces through our video and podcast series. Since our founding in 2002, we have hosted hundreds of public events and more than a thousand creative residencies.
We host events throughout the year on Oregon State’s campus and in the Corvallis community and surrounding area. Our events are free and open to the public.
Our Mission
The Spring Creek Project brings together the practical wisdom of environmental science, the clarity of philosophy, and the transformational power of the written word and the arts to envision and inspire just and joyous relations with the planet and with one another.
Our Work
We live with questions. Questions about what it means to be an engaged person in this time of environmental devastation and opportunity. Questions about how to tell new stories and imagine different possibilities that can help us create a world that honors all beings. Questions about how to sustain ourselves and our communities as we fight with our whole hearts for the health and future of all living beings on Earth.
We thrive on collaboration. We partner with organizations and people who are working to create a better world by thinking deeply and differently about humans and the environment. We specialize in bringing people together who have many ways of understanding the world—especially writers, artists, scientists and philosophers. Through our events, residencies and collaborations, we create spaces for these many ways of knowing to blend into new ideas, new imaginative possibilities and new ways forward.
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Stay up to date on upcoming events, residency and fellowship opportunities and other Spring Creek Project news.
Featured Programming

Inner Nature Podcast Series
A podcast exploring the intersection of contemplative practice and environmental action.

Climate Stories in Action
A call for creative submissions to inspire collective action on climate change.

Lookout: Envisioning Futures with Wildfire
A lecture series that scans the horizon for the ideas and stories that can guide us through this critical and disorienting time.

Bedrock Rights Film
A documentary investigating how fracking and climate change violate human rights.
To support the Spring Creek Project's work, visit our Donate page.