OSU Corvallis Campus
Many of our residencies and fellowships take place in unique ecosystems, field stations and research sites across Oregon. Others offer opportunities for artists and humanities scholars to be immersed in the vibrant community of science and engineering research at Oregon State University’s main campus in Corvallis, which is ranked among the top 10 college towns in the nation.
Oregon State University is one of only three universities in the United States to have Sea Grant, Space Grant, Sun Grant and Land Grant designations. There are more than 100 scientific laboratories and dozens of centers and collections representing a wide variety of research areas and practices. Examples from a much longer list include:
- Ice Core & Quaternary Geochemistry Lab
- The Oregon State University Herbarium
- The Special Collections and Archives Research Center in the Valley Library
- The Gene D. Knudsen Wood Engineering Lab
- The J.C. Braly Natural History Collection
- The O.H Hinsdale Wave Research Lab
- The Materials Innovation Center
- Art About Agriculture
- Collaborative Robotics and Intelligent Systems Institute
- The Oregon State Arthropod Collection
The labs and collections named above characterize the range of research and scholarship at Oregon State University and do not necessarily have established arts integration residencies or fellowships.
OSU Faculty
If you'd like to explore the possibility of developing a fellowship or residency that aligns with your research, or if you'd like to talk about opportunities relevant to your scholarship or creative work, please email Carly Lettero, Associate Director of Arts Integration at PRAx. We can collaborate with you in the process of arts integration and broader impact, and facilitate connections with scientists, engineers, artists and humanities scholars.
Public Humanities Collaboratory
PRAx designs residencies around the unique needs of each participant, including accessibility for individuals with disabilities in keeping with OSU’s commitments. For questions related to accessibility and accommodations, please contact Joy Jensen at [email protected].